Cheers Connect is a combination of independent productivity tools that work together to enhance your communications, maintain your business and personal relationships, increase your productivity, and help in your marketing efforts. 

The core of Cheers Connect is the tool "Assets and Tags" that enables you to safely store your assets and smartly categorize them with the use of tags. This tools is a base for all the other tools that are of the same importance and that independently and collectively add value to your business. The Videos, Messages, and Campaigns are all vital tools to grow your business! Cheers!

Cheers Videos

Video recording, managing, sharing, tracking and more. Customize your videos to better reach your target audiences' inbox and newsfeed. 

Cheers Messages

Send personalized multimedia messages to build and maintain strong relationships. Take advantage of the advanced features that includes message scheduling, tracking, and tagging as well as the "quick email" send and the simple email composer options. 

Cheers Assets

Securely store your digital assets in Cheers repository and also organize and categorize by tagging them with topics, people or both at the same time! 

Cheers Campaigns

Email automation, lists, campaign analytics, online forms and more are coming soon. 

Cheers Campaign

Coming Soon......

Cheers Assets

A Virtual library that securely stores your digitals resources like images, videos and documents.

Cheers Messages

Add your assets easily to your messages and send them safely and securely.

Cheers Videos

Enjoy our advanced video recorder to record yourself, your screen or both.

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